Saturday, October 25, 2008

Oct.18th, 2008-V.C.College Class Boat

The Ventura College advanced dive class uses the Sunfish for it's class boat trips. This. trip was setup for a deep dive, navigation and a drift dive. We had almost a full boat. We first tried the backside of Anacapa, but there was just to much current for a deep dive (skills dive)so we ended up on the front side at outside Frenchy's in 115'ft. This worked out good with a few even seeing a Sunfish (Mola-Mola)and the vis was about 15'-20'.The 2nd dive was at East Cat Rock in 30' ft of water with about 15'-20' of vis. Some of the divers did navigation skills and a few others went looking for bugs (none taken). Our 3rd dive was a drift dive at South Central(backside of Anacapa, close to Aquarium). This was a great dive with good rock structure and about 25' of vis., but very few bugs were seen and only 1 was taken.! person did see a Black Sea Bass. I have personally seen 11 Black Sea Bass at one time at this site.That was an extraordinary sighting for me. Ken

The Sunfish is planning to start having some 1 day drift dive classes on the boat based on the way the college class is taught. The V.C. College advanced dive class has done many drift dives on the Sunfish. Drift diving is the "Fun and lazy way to dive". Check out the Sunfish calender and newsletter for class schedule.

Sept. 21st, 2008-Grace Oil Rig Trip

We have done quite a few oil rig trips and this was the 1st with our new load limit of 16 divers. It worked out sooo much better with fewer divers, more room, easier to fill tanks and lots of room on the Sunfish. Anyways, we had a full boat and the condition's were good, but with a bit more current (east to west)then other trips. The topside conditions were great, little swell and sunny skies. We got 3 dives in with everyone getting scallops who wanted them. There was a thermocline at about 70' were the vis. really opened up. Everyone had a great time.---Ken

Sept. 6th, 2008- Wreck Trip

We had a very light load of 8 people, most were from Bakersfield. I (Ken) to was diving this day,finally. Our 1st dive was a sailboat at about 90'deep. The sailboat was about 45 ft. long with most of it covered by sand and it did have some Metridums on it.The vis. was about 10'. The 2nd dive was the Kelp Cutter at about 90' deep. This is one of my favorite dives. We had about 25' ft, of vis. The next and last dive was the Connie Marie, a 50' purse seiner fishing boat. The upper half is still exposed with the rest buried in the sand. The wheelhouse is still accessible along with the galley area. We had about 15'-20' vis and it was a cool dive. What a great day of diving some local wrecks.